由某場簡報主講人 (說溜嘴 ?) 得知, 某網路市調公司取得樣本的方式是綁在 (不會令人產生聯想的) 第三方軟體裡, 在同意事項裡夾帶一些大多數人不會注意的文字, meter 便在使用者安裝軟體時一併植入, 除了收集網路瀏覽資訊, 還會「設法」「判斷」使用者的性別、年齡等資料 … 這直叫人想起「木馬」兩個字吶
下載、安裝第三方軟體時, 同意事項還是要看清楚才好。

現在是北海道積丹半島的海膽季節 (6~8月) !
網頁上的照片應該是ムラサキウニ (紫海膽), バフンウニ (馬糞海膽) 的顏色比較深一些。
北海道海膽漁期:日本海側 6~8月, 東部太平洋岸 12~3月, 鄂霍次克海岸 2~6 月。
啊… 口水滴下來了~~~

這個人指控魔戒抄襲哈利波特耶, 都不怕晚上 Tolkien 去找他, 還希望 Tolkien 出來講清楚呢 … 我猜他是不是以為 Tolkien 是 Peter Jackson 的筆名 !?
原文 因為太蠢 被刪了, 奇文值得轉載與大家共賞:

Overall, I like “Lord of the Rings.” However, I do feel that Tolkien kind of rips off “Harry Potter” in many ways. There are several parallels, such as elves, dwarfs, wizards, goblins, trolls, magic (especially invisibility), etc. Sauron is referred to as “Dark Lord” just like Voldemort is. There is also the elder white-haired bearded wizard who serves almost as a mentor, Gandalf, who is reminiscent of Dumbledore. Some of the character names are similar, such as Wormtongue as opposed to Wormtail, too. There is even a gigantic spider (Shelob) at the end of “The Two Towers” that reminds one of Aragog from “Chamber of Secrets.” I even noticed that the plots of both series begin with the protagonists’ birthday. Now I see that Tolkien, this unoriginal bastard, is coming out with “The Hobbit” in December. This would be fine, but why didn’t he just write this book first to begin with? I still like “Lord of the Rings,” though–don’t get me wrong–but I wonder if Tolkien has ever said in interviews whether he borrowed elements from Harry Potter. I’ll be watching the extended DVDs later this week and I think he’s featured on the commentary track, so I look forward to that.

The Hobbit、魔戒(The Lord of the Rings) 在 1937 和 1955 年已全部出版, 而 J. K. Rowling 是 1965 年出生的。
這則回覆完全說明了我的感想:「are you a troll or just plain stupid? 」XDDD

tweets of the day…

  • Ms.P 正在參與管理課程, 有個「增進夥伴關係」的課題, 問我建議書單, 答曰:海賊王、火影忍者。
  • 美瑛青い池生意真是越做越大了, 停車場還擴張 呢, 已經是完全不神祕的祕境 // APPLE 新 MBP 發表會 用的就是青い池的照片無誤。
  • 每次尖鋒時段在捷運站上電扶梯, 我們都會實證一次擋切是個很有效的戰術。
  • 捷運上的野性呼喚 …