Tag Archives: 實習醫生

晚上繼續看 Grey’s Anatomy, quote 一段很讚的比喻:

You’re either ham or eggs. You gotta ask yourself in every situation are you the chicken or are you the pig? …… now the chicken is involved in the meal, the pig is committed, so the question is…are you involved or are you committed ?

這下我不只要承認自己是豬, 還是已經變成火腿的豬 XD

為了匹配新NB, 家裡的設備再更新: DrayTek Vigor2100G 取代原有的IP分享器 ..
小蛙是我新買的吉祥物(?), 代替主人入鏡並兼具浮水印功能 XD
Wireless AP

Grey’s Anatomy 第三季雖然 公視 還沒播, 但得利已經發行DVD了。明知道裡面一堆令人OX的角色和情節, 還是租回來 …
全員「制霸」是可以兌獎還是怎樣 ? 大家都變成「親戚」工作起來會比較愉快嗎 ?
果然是邊看邊罵, 邊罵還是邊看 …

Grey’s Anatomy 越來越著迷, ABC 官網有 Grey’s Diagnosis Quiz (Episode Guide 有公視還未播的劇情, 小心地雷), 我的測驗結果是 Meredith, 雖然感覺有點怪, 但對她說過:

I can’t think of a single reason why I should be a surgeon, but I can think of a thousand reasons why I should quit…. I could quit but here’s the thing, I love the playing field.

有時還蠻心有戚戚焉就是了 😛