忘記中斷了多久、中斷在哪裡,於是乾脆重看之《紙牌屋》(House of Cards)第二季。

  • 這段對話詮釋了 Underwood 夫婦真是天作之合 XD(我好愛看 Claire 耍狠)

    Frank: I want him obliterated.
    Claire: More than that, Let’s make him suffer.
    Frank: I don’t know whether to be proud or terrified (of my wife). Perhaps both.

  • 簡單明瞭(但是違心之論):

    Power is better than money for as long as it lasts, but it never lasts.

  • 前陣子大家很愛拿紙牌屋來比喻台灣政壇,在認真看完(二遍)後,我覺得:劇情中又壞又笨的角色太少,不像;基於以下這段話,更是百分之二百不像:

    My approvals are at eight percent. Even if I avoid conviction, I have no mandate to lead, so better I step aside with some dignity so the nation can start to heal.


最近用 perl 寫資料到 MongoDB 時,覺得無法預先定義的 data type 有點麻煩,無論怎麼處理,數字總是被存成 NumberLong 更是煩上加煩,然後我找到…

… Perl saves all numbers as 64-bit integers on 64-bit platforms, and NumberLong is how the shell displays 64-bit numbers.

…… there is nothing you can do about it (short of writing your own MongoDB driver)