◎ 看 HBO「不懼風暴」(Into the Storm), 紀念諾曼地登陸 ← 好啦, 很牽強 😛
- 描寫二次大戰期間的英國戰時內閣, 敦克爾克大撤退、不列顛空戰、倫敦大轟炸、諾曼地登陸 等戰役都 … 只提到一點點 XD
- Churchill 的名句產量真的很大 …
* Nations that go down fighting rise again, those who surrender tamely are finished.
* Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.
* KBO = Keep Bungling On
* In war: resolution.
In defeat: defiance.
In victory: magnanimity.
In peace: goodwill.
◎ 三個短篇構成的 茱麗葉。
覺得很像回到三十年前新浪潮時期的台灣電影, 這到底意味什麼呢 ?!