Category Archives: diary

這個人指控魔戒抄襲哈利波特耶, 都不怕晚上 Tolkien 去找他, 還希望 Tolkien 出來講清楚呢 … 我猜他是不是以為 Tolkien 是 Peter Jackson 的筆名 !?
原文 因為太蠢 被刪了, 奇文值得轉載與大家共賞:

Overall, I like “Lord of the Rings.” However, I do feel that Tolkien kind of rips off “Harry Potter” in many ways. There are several parallels, such as elves, dwarfs, wizards, goblins, trolls, magic (especially invisibility), etc. Sauron is referred to as “Dark Lord” just like Voldemort is. There is also the elder white-haired bearded wizard who serves almost as a mentor, Gandalf, who is reminiscent of Dumbledore. Some of the character names are similar, such as Wormtongue as opposed to Wormtail, too. There is even a gigantic spider (Shelob) at the end of “The Two Towers” that reminds one of Aragog from “Chamber of Secrets.” I even noticed that the plots of both series begin with the protagonists’ birthday. Now I see that Tolkien, this unoriginal bastard, is coming out with “The Hobbit” in December. This would be fine, but why didn’t he just write this book first to begin with? I still like “Lord of the Rings,” though–don’t get me wrong–but I wonder if Tolkien has ever said in interviews whether he borrowed elements from Harry Potter. I’ll be watching the extended DVDs later this week and I think he’s featured on the commentary track, so I look forward to that.

The Hobbit、魔戒(The Lord of the Rings) 在 1937 和 1955 年已全部出版, 而 J. K. Rowling 是 1965 年出生的。
這則回覆完全說明了我的感想:「are you a troll or just plain stupid? 」XDDD

tweets of the day…

  • Ms.P 正在參與管理課程, 有個「增進夥伴關係」的課題, 問我建議書單, 答曰:海賊王、火影忍者。
  • 美瑛青い池生意真是越做越大了, 停車場還擴張 呢, 已經是完全不神祕的祕境 // APPLE 新 MBP 發表會 用的就是青い池的照片無誤。
  • 每次尖鋒時段在捷運站上電扶梯, 我們都會實證一次擋切是個很有效的戰術。
  • 捷運上的野性呼喚 …

友人 K 寄居在主機商的 wordpress 站發生類似遭劫持的現象: 由搜尋引擎連入都會被導向一個 (會放惡意 cookie 的) 俄羅斯網站, 之後無論由哪種方式連向該網站都進不去, 直到清空 cookie, 又可以重演一次上述流程。
後來發現他的站應該是被駭了, 在根目錄與 public_html 下的 .htaccess 都被植入了一段導向該 *.ru 網址的指令, 緊接著當然就是一段掃除過程。
雖然查詢起來發現不是什麼新穎的攻擊方式, 但看到案件現場, 還是有點毛骨聳然吶 (゜Δ゜;)

陽台上的植物被蚜蟲殲滅了, 黑手指再接再厲, 到花市採購武器與生力軍。
其實我們試過自己調辣椒水對付蚜蟲, 嘸效, 不過老闆說「同款嘸同師傅」, 姑且試之, 不然就要養瓢蟲了吧 @_@
有半日照的後陽台種 迷你矮牽牛、彩色辣椒和 粉紅日日春, 只有一、二個小時日照的前陽台種蘭花和艾草, 祝它們長命百歲 XD

好消息是: 我還在長高 (?)、據說有運動員級的心跳數; 壞消息是: 膽結石 (我的母系親戚有很強的結石體質) 和輕微脂肪肝 Orz
雖然醫生才叮嚀過飲食要簡單清淡, 但結束恐怖的健檢醫學, 就是應該 大吃一頓 啊 (誤)