好像已經提很多次了, 哪裡值不值得去、好不好玩、時間應該怎麼分配… 都是個人主觀, 不像時刻表一樣有標準答案, 措辭時最好收斂一點… 當然, 如果有人偏不, 我除了在心裡看不順眼, 不會也不能怎樣。

驚聞 ZARD 坂井泉水 意外過世, 再來聽聽她活力的聲音 — 「負けないで

雖然 Joan Didion 在 奇想之年 的文字顯得有點破碎, 但或許也是因此讓哀慟的氣氛瀰漫… 摘一些句子 (中文翻譯有些拗口, 找到原文比較原味; 時間是在 John 過世的隔年):

“you can love more than one person.” Of course you can, but marriage is something different. Marriage is memory, marriage is time … Marriage is not only time: it is also, paradoxically, the denial of time. For 40 years I saw myself through John’s eyes. I did not age. This year for the first time since I was 29 I saw myself through the eyes of others. This year for the first time since I was 29 I realized that my image of myself was of someone significantly younger…

我喜歡這本看了會痛的書, 但不會(不敢)輕易推薦給別人。