看完 Grey’s Anatomy 5
● 留了一個疑似雙殺 (都沒死透, 地雷保留) 的結局。
● 每日一字:Bridezilla ← 這個字實在太傳神了XD 
● 本劇的男性角色幾乎都講過經典的告白/誓辭, 接下來是 Dr. Alex Karev 的版本, 也是個好用的 template 啊 XD

Today’s the day my life begins. All my life I’ve been just me. Just a smart mouth kid. Today I become a man. Today I become a husband. Today I become accountable to someone other than myself. Today I become accountable to you. To our future. To all the possibilities that a marriage has to offer. Together, no matter what happens, I’ll be ready. For anything. For everything. To take on life, to take on love. To take on possibility and responsibility. Today, our life together begins. And I for one can’t wait.

最近很有話題的 MV — 安室奈美恵 (Amuro Namie) 與鋼彈駕駛員阿姆羅 (アムロ・レイ, Amuro Ray) 共演的 Defend Love
安室的角色只是皮膚變白、座機變粉紅色的拉拉 (ララァ・スン), 而且影片最後的「to be continued」讓人不禁要懷疑這一切會不會又是 BANDAI 的陰謀 ?!