看了紀錄片「美味代價」(Food, Inc.) 。
● 以為食物來自大地, 卻發現, 其實是奢求。
● 想起幾年前「戀愛巴士」曾做過的養殖和牛與糧食危機專題。我們真的能衡量追求慾望需要付出的代價嗎 ?!
● 非常理解、尊敬 Ian Wright 不在連鎖商店消費 的理想和堅持。
● 布魯斯決定不再吃速食和任何部位的美國牛肉。
● quote 片尾的幾段話:

* You can vote to change this system. Three times a day.

* Buy foods that are grown locally, Shop at farmer’s markets and Plant a garden (← 這有點難, 我們只種得活地瓜葉).

* When you go to the supermarket, Buy foods that are in season, Buy foods that are oganic, Know what’s in your food. Read labels.

* You can change the world with every BITE.