終於看了「社群網戰」(The Social Network)

  • 心得:哦。
  • 我對 FB 的運作邏輯一直是保持距離, 看完電影後又刪除了大部分資料, 還是回歸工作測試的用途就好。
  • 在 internet 上走闖, 不能不時時想想這些話 …

    As if every thought that tumbles through your head is so clever it would be a crime for it not to be shared. The internet’s not written in pencil, It’s written in ink and you published that Erica Albright was a bitch right before you made some ignorant crack about my family’s name, my bra size and then rated women based on their “hotness”. You write your snide bullshit from a darkroom because that’s what the angry nowadays.