● 再見曼德拉 (Goodbye Bafana)
 ○ 很淺顯、平鋪直敘。沒有把一個搞革命的人拍得太偉大, 但應該足夠讓我們認識這個人與這些事 ~
 ○ 兩個舊時代是 soulmate 真是一點都不奇怪啊 😛

「No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.」 (沒有人生來就因膚色、背景、宗教而去恨其他人。人必須學會恨,假如他們瞭解恨,他們便能懂得怎樣去愛。)

~ Nelson Mandela
Long Walk to Freedom

贖罪 (Atonement)
 ○ 利用打字機聲響和時序跳接營造的節奏很有趣, 但必需很專心看 😛
 ○ 內心戲很多, 英國人的深沈有時不太好懂 @@
 ○ 戰爭比較可怕, 但自私的惡意我也不能原諒 (← 整個看得很火大)
 ○ 正在濃情蜜意時跳出一句「Have a Guinness When You Are Tired」是怎樣 =.=